Welcome To Our Class

Feixly is a bilingual class together with 7.6. There are 24 students with 2 class advisors. The class advisors are Maam Ais and Mr. Satria. The chairman in this class is Shandy F.T. and the vice chairman is M.I.Bibra.

About Our Activities
This class always join the English Performance (EP). Sometimes this class win the competition, but sometimes lose the competition. This class is the first class that become the official ceremony. This class ever went to Bukittinggi for hunting b
ule, but only 18 students join that. There are some students from this class follow the olimpiad, but some students also follow the sports competition. Now, we are making a blog about our class.

The Boys of FEIXLY
There are 9 boys in this class. There are Shandy, Aby,
Farid, Ivan, Ridho, Imam, Thesar, Herry, and Irfan. The boys always play footbal together in the morning, noon, and afternoon and always play laptop in friday after "Tahsinul Quran". The girls think that the boys are harmony, but they think the boys is selfish.

The Girls of FEIXLY
There are 15 girls in this class. There are Ijah, Nisa, Dinda, Dita, Inka, Nabila, PJN, Riska, Rinan, D2x, Sofhy, Sabila, Sarika, Ullya, Tika. The boys think that the girls are like to lead the boys, bad temper.

About The Class Advisors
Our class advisors are Maam Ais and Mr. Satria. They have been staying in this class from first semester until now. Maam Ais has taught in this school since 2006 and Mr. Satria has taught in this school since we were in grade 8.